The Bowen Treatment is available at our Kings Heath, Birmingham Therapy Centre. It was developed by Tom Bowen in Australia and named after him following his death in the early eighties. It has since flourished and spread world-wide.
Bowen is a non-invasive therapy consisting of a sequence of gentle moves over muscles and soft tissue, interspersed with periods of rest. The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points on the body making rolling-type moves which aim to stimulate energy into the muscles and soft tissue. The Bowen Technique encourages re-alignment of the body; there is no manipulation of hard tissue and no force is used or needed.
A treatment usually lasts about 45 minutes and can be applied through light clothing. It is recommended that in order to obtain the full benefit, other 'hands on' therapies are not applied less than 7 days before or after Bowen, as these may interfere with the healing process.
Practitioners are constantly surprised at the effectiveness of the therapy.
Adults and children of all ages can benefit from the Bowen, indeed it can help relieve symptoms of infantile colic. It also can help to improve the quality of life for the terminally ill.
Treatments at regular intervals can help manage stress and encourage health maintenance.
The first treatment is £45 and subsequent treatments are £35 and last one hour. This treatment is usually available on Tuesday from 2.30-6.30pm, however variable other times during the week are available upon request.